Building a Portal of Ecosystems and Biodiversity Information for Biodiversity Conservation and Sustainable Development for the Mekong Delta (Ecobank Mekong)

The project is planned to conduct the following 4 key component of activities:Component 1: Data collection and revision. This activity aims to provide a most up-to-date understanding about the existing information on the ecosystems and biodiversity in the Mekong Delta, thanks to which we can find out gaps and determine which locations and groups of biodiversity to be surveyed  in the next component in order to supplement information for as complete a database of the delta as possible.Component 2: Field surveys. Surveys will focus of key ecosystems and groups of biodiversity to fulfill the gaps of information determined in the previous component and provide new information. It is also to verify the reported data and make as many records of species as possible for the database to be built. Photos to illustrate the recorded species will be taken. Specimens will be collected too.Component 3: Building a Database and a WebGIS-based portal for database management and usage. A WebGIS-based portal with mobile apps and using tools (all in English) will be built following international protocols, which will include results from Components 1 and 2 and be made available online for open access.Component 4: Workshops, training and information dissemination. Workshops will be organized for exchanged expertise, technical discussions and training for partners and stakeholders. Dissemination of results from the project (including announcing the launch of Ecobank Mekong) to the public and those concerned will be done in a final workshop which is participated by all stakeholders, such as the donor, national and international organizations, NGOs, etc. Mass media will be invited to promote the Ecobank Mekong to the wide public. Results from Components 1 and 2 will be synthetized and analyzed to address the Objectives 1 and 2. Meanwhile, combination of all components and activities will address Objective 3 and the overall goal of the project. Read more...


Priority Sector




Cambodia Viet Nam






Jan-2023 to Jun-2025



  • 1. Assessment of current status of biodiversity (ecosystem and species levels) to support sustainable socio-economic development and biodiversity conservation planning in the Mekong region
  • 2. Providing an updated standardized database of natural ecosystems and associating biodiversity to support assessing ecosystems and biodiversity and monitoring changes in the Mekong Delta
  • 3. Building a modern WebGIS-based portal and apps to promote awareness and wide usage of the built database

Outputs and Activities



  • 1.Total: 5000
  • 2.Target areas: Governmental authorities, research and education institutions, national and international conservati


  • 1.(on going now)
Project Management Unit, Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment
Project Implementing Agency
Contact Person: Luu Hong Truong

(If you would like to know more about the project, or engage with us, contact us .)


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Project Activity Reports


Impact Story