Investigation of microplastics, contaminants of emerging concern and their risk assessment to fisheries and aquaculture in the Mekong River Basin

The Mekong River Basin is facing a critical environmental challenge due to plastic pollution, specifically microplastics (MPs) waste and the associated contaminants of emerging concern (CECs). Regrettably, the Mekong River ranks among the top 10 major contributors to marine plastic pollution, discharging approximately 95% of the plastics that are adversely affecting the world's oceans. Despite the severity of this issue, there has been a lack of comprehensive research on this subject. To address this pressing concern, we propose a three-year project titled "Investigation of microplastics, contaminants of emerging concern, their risk assessment, and management for fishery and aquaculture in the Mekong River Basin."   The main objectives of this project are twofold: (i) To assess the fate, distribution, and associated risks of MPs and CECs in the water environment; (ii) To identify effective solutions aimed at minimizing these risks. By successfully accomplishing these objectives, the project aims to provide a comprehensive understanding of the challenges associated with MPs and associated CECs in the water environment. Furthermore, it seeks to aid in the development of sustainable waste management frameworks to combat these pollutants effectively.   This initiative involves collaboration between key stakeholders from several countries, including Vietnam (represented by ISTEE), Thailand (represented by Suan Sunandha Rajhabhat University (SSRU)), the Republic of Korea(represented by Pusan National University (PNU)), and Australia (represented by the University of Technology, Sydney (UTS)). Each of these partner institutions brings a wealth of expertise in this field, making the project's outcomes more robust and impactful. By uniting efforts across borders, we aim to protect the Mekong River Basin and preserve its vital ecosystems for current and future generations. Together, we can work towards a cleaner and healthier environment, mitigating the threat of plastic pollution in this crucial region.  Read more...


Priority Sector




Thailand Viet Nam






Mar-2024 to Feb-2027



  • 1. • Gain insights into the fate and distribution of MPs in water, sediment, and fish within the Mekong River Basin in Vietnam and Thailand. • Evaluate the presence of CECs associated with MPs in water and sediment within the Mekong River Basin in Vietnam and Thailand, establishing correlations between MPs and CECs in the environment. • Identify suitable environmental management strategies for the Mekong River Basin by conducting risk assessments of MPs and associated CECs on fisheries and aquaculture in Vietnam and Thailand. • Propose and test initiatives to reduce microplastic emissions and technical solutions to treat microplastic pollution in the water environment. • Raise awareness among the public and local government agencies regarding the hazards of MPs and CECs, promoting the importance of the 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) approach to waste management. • Foster regional and international institutional collaboration to effectively address plastic pollution in the Mekong Riv

Outputs and Activities



  • 1.Total: 9
  • 2.Target areas: communities residing around the basin


  • 1.Not yet updated
Institute of Science and Technology for Energy and Environment
Project Implementing Agency
Contact Person: Do Van Manh

(If you would like to know more about the project, or engage with us, contact us .)


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