For water resources development, Cambodia Government still is receiving many grant or loan projects from the developed countries and MDB. Most of infrastructures projects is focusing for the construction of structures and equipment provision plus simple operation training. More advanced technology and integrated water resources management know-how are necessary for the advanced water resources operation and management. Also for the adaptation against climate change such as abnormal floods and severe droughts, paradigm shit is necessary in the field of water resources management. MOWRAM has been connected with K-water more than 20 years in water resources sector in development and management part. In this project, both authority will cooperate in the partnership level.And K-water Academy will provide a multi years training course as bellows.(First year) Preliminary Study in Cambodia (5 days) and Training in Korea (12 days) for High-level officials to achieve the sub-objectives such as Diagnosing current water issues in Mekong river basin and Enhancing capacities for water resources management;(Second year) Training in Korea(12 days) for $pecialists and Working-level officials to to achieve the sub-objectives such as Enhancing capacities for water resources management and Building and revising action plans for effective implementation.(Third year) Workshop in Cambodia(5 days) for Participants of prior courses to achieve the sub-objectives such as Enhancing capacities for water resources management and Strengthening implementation of Action Plans.
Priority Sector
Feb-2023 to Sep-2025
(If you would like to know more about the project, or engage with us, contact us .)